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Apply for Alif ١ | Fall 2024

Alif ١ is a 5-week program to fast-track the most talented founders across the world into Silicon Valley. Founders who are accepted will be invited to office hours, IRL pop-ups, weekly check-ins, and guest lectures with leading founders and investors. A public Demo Day will be held in January, at the closing of the program. Kickoff will be on December 1st.

Personal Info

What's your full name?

What's your email address?

What's your LinkedIn or Twitter?

Get your LinkedIn link here.

Where are you based?

What were you working on before your current startup?

Include links! The more detail, the better.

Company Details

Company name

Describe what your company does in one sentence

Company website

Do you have a cofounder? If yes, what's their story?

This field is optional

Do you have any users?

Do you have any users?

Do you have any revenue?

Do you have any revenue?

Have you raised any funding?

Why are you working on this problem?

You could have picked any problem to work on. What unique advantage or insight separates you from your competitors?

Why Alif?

Why do you want to join Alif?

Please select all that apply.
Why do you want to join Alif?

How did you hear about Alif?

Were you referred to Alif by someone?

Share anything else that could help in considering your application.

Website links, news articles, social media profiles, pitch decks, etc. This field is optional.